

After many years of learning and practising felt making, I now feel able to pass on my understanding and skills to other practitioners in the hope of raising the profile of this fascinating and ancient craft.

Teaching is something I love. Coming from a background in primary education, I’ve written several books for teachers, and ran workshops on music education in the primary sector. I’m a speaker for the WI in Herefordshire, and love visiting local groups to talk about and demonstrate wet felt making.

I’m a speaker for the WI, and hold demonstration sessions and workshops for groups, tailoring my approach to match the requirements of each group. I’m also running workshops at Denman College, the WI’s centre for learning, and will also be teaching two workshops – Painting with Fibres and Introduction to Wet Felt Making – at Marlborough College Summer School 2020.

Felt in the Factory near Ross on Wye is a wonderful studio offering facilities for felt making, including rolling machines and a flatbed needle felter:  I teach workshops there regularly, along with many national and international tutors.

Recent workshops at Felt in the Factory have included making a shoulder bag incorporating a nuno felted design, a cowl scarf using Margillan silk gauze and the hat-on-a-ball technique.

If you would like to know more about the workshops and courses I offer, please contact me for me information. I’m always happy to plan a workshop that is tailored to your group’s requirements!

sm 2 dates hats for beginners

cushion poster


cowl poster

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